Integrated Dynamic Solutions specializes in custom software development, database design, and systems integration. Since 2005, our main goal has been to help businesses overcome technological obstacles by providing them with solutions that expedite everyday business transactions. ................
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At Integrated Dynamic Solutions, our main goal is to help business overcome technological obstacles. We take the time to meet you and get to know the way you do business. We guarantee that our work will be done on time, on budget and according to your specifications. We automate and improve efficiency in the workplace, incorporate rigid quality controls, and ensure data integrity and reliability.....................
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Contact Us
31194 La Baya Drive
Suite #203
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Email | info@idspage.com
2nd Floor, M-Squared Building
Technopark, Thiruvanathapuram 695 581
Phone: + 91-471 4063438
Fax : + 91-471 4063439
Email | info@idspage.com